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CIAL Group Events9 May 2011 |
Note: The Gallon Environment Letter GL will post a selection of events from environmental non-profit groups and from organizational subscribers. The general principle for the free listings is one event a year held in Canada or featuring Canadians and on the types of issues discussed in GL relating to business, environment and sustainable development. The decision of whether to post, what to include and how long the posting is listed is the decision of the GL editor. Please allow plenty of lead time and send events in plain text to editor@gallonletter.ca with the Subject line as "Event for Free GL Posting"; if commercial please include name and email for the contact person for your organizational subscription of the Gallon Environment Letter. Listings are not an endorsation of the event or the group. Otherwise GL offers paid space identified as sponsored space for 250 words at the price of $100 in the electronic edition which would include a listing on the events web page. Ongoing Natural Resource Canada Dollars to $ense Energy Management Workshops.
In 2010 to June 2011, the Office of Energy Efficiency is delivering four
1-day workshops in specified cities across Canada on:
The sessions are for those in the industrial, commercial or institutional organizations. Range of costs: e.g. one workshop costs $340 per person and four workshops $1105 per person. Additional people from one organization reduces per workshop cost to $255 for the extra person. Workshops can be customized and presented at the location of your choice. http://www.oee.nrcan-rncan.gc.ca/workshops or call 613 943 2361. May
http://www.insightinfo.com/ontariopower Register Online or call 1-888-777-1707. *** Waste The Social Context People, Policies, Persuasion, and Payoffs. May 8-11, 2011. Grant MacEwan University Robbin's Health Learning Centre 10900 - 104 Avenue NW Edmonton, Alberta Canada. Hosted by Edmonton Waste Management Centre of Excellence EWMCE. The
focus is on the social, economic and environmental aspects of waste management.
A tour of Edmonton's
The EMWCE website is http://www.ewmce.com/
and details at
http://www.cvent.com/events/people-policies-persuasion-and-payoffs/custom-18-08ec9cb874684a02bd0018e3738463f4.aspx *** Ontario Centres of Excellence - Discovery 2011 May 18-19, 2011. Metro Toronto Convention Centre. The showcase will include exhibits from sectors identified in Ontarios Innovation Agenda such as Cleantech, Advanced Health, Digital Media and Information Communications and Advanced Materials and Manufacturing. New this year will be a zone devoted to the water sector. Discovery 2011 will also welcome the delegates of Ontarios Global Water Leadership Summit www.ontario.ca/watersummit at Discoverys opening luncheon on May 18th. This event also serves as the closing luncheon for the Summit and OCE anticipates delegates in attendance from around the world. Premier Dalton McGuinty along with a number of key stakeholders important to the water sector will be joining OCE for the luncheon and Discovery. The Discovery show-floor will open following the luncheon and delegates including Ontario Global Water Leadership Summit participants will then have the opportunity to tour the Discovery show-floor starting with the Water Technologies Zone. To register, http://www.ocediscovery.com
June 2011 CMOS Congress 2011: Ocean, Atmosphere and the Changing Pacific. Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographical Society June 5 to 9, 2011 at the Victoria Conference Centre Victoria, British Columbia. The program highlights state "The Pacific Ocean contains nearly half or our planet's seawater and covers approximately one third of the earth's surface. Its changes, both natural and human-induced, thus can have a profound influence on the planetary environment and its ecosystems. Because such influences are largely governed by interactions between the many components of the earth system, this theme potentially has a very broad reach." Session topics include weather, climate and atmospheric sciences, to
oceanography and biogeochemistry. There are eight plenary speakers. Two
public lectures will be given by Ken Denman, Environment Canada &
Fisheries and Oceans Canada and Verena Tunnicliffe Canada Research Chair
in Deep Ocean Research, University of Victoria. http://www.cmos.ca/congress2011/en/index.html *** 38th Annual Zero Waste Conference on June 8-10, 2011. Whistler, British
Columbia. Presented by The Recycling Council of British Columbia. The
2011 RCBC Environmental Awards will be presented. Deadline for nominations
for the awards - April 8, 2011. *** Air & Waste Management Association A&WMA's 104th Annual Conference & Exhibit. June 21-24 2011 Coronado Springs Resort, Orlando Florida USA The conference theme is "Beyond All Borders". The Critical Review will cover environmental issues and management strategies for discarded electronic and electrical equipment (e-waste). Call for abstracts ends December 3, 2010. January 10, 2011 deadline for session proposals and draft panel and notification of authors of abstract acceptance. http://www.awma.org/ACE2011 July 2011 Global Ecological Integrity Group. International Conference. The First Faculty of Medicine, Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic. July 11-16, 2011. The theme is "Human Rights and Duties: Supporting Biological Integrity for Public Health". Among the speakers are:
General Discussion and Close of Conference: Sum up by Don Brown (Rapporteur), Klaus Bosselmann, Ron Engel, Colin Soskolne and Laura Westra co-chairs. GEIG: www.globalecointegrity.net September 2011 XXIVth World Road Congress Roads for a better life. Mobility, Sustainability and Development Mexico City, Mexico. September 26-30, 2011 Hosted by a number of groups including the World Road Association (PIARC), The conference is focused on the challenges facing road and road transport
including mitigating the impact of the road system on climate change and
managing the road infrastrucut for sustainable development and climate
change adaptation. Congress contqact: Camino Santa Teresa 187, Parques
del Pedregal,
October 2011 84th Annual Water Environment Federation Technical Exhibition and Conference. Conference > October 1519, 2011. Exhibition > October 1719, 2011 Los Angeles Convention Center, Los Angeles, California, USA The topics include not only expected topics such as water treatment and reuse technologies and green infrastructure but also broader issues:
The technical program was posted in April at http://wef.expoplanner.com/ November 2011 Canadian Waste & Recycling Expo. November 9-10, 2011 Palais des Congres
De Montreal *** SETAC North America 32nd Annual Meeting Navigating Environmental Challenges: Historical Lessons Guiding Future. Hynes Convention Center, Boston, MA, USA., 13-17 November 2011. The Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) is a non-profit, worldwide professional society comprised of individuals and institutions engaged in:
SETAC's mission is to support the development of principles and practices for protection, enhancement and management of sustainable environmental quality and ecosystem integrity. SETAC promotes the advancement and application of scientific research related to contaminants and other stressors in the environment, education in the environmental sciences, and the use of science in environmental policy and decision-making. The Society provides a forum where scientists, managers, and other professionalsexchange information and ideas for the development and use of multidisciplinary scientific principles and practices leading to sustainable environmental quality. http://www.setac.org/node/7 March 2012 Globe March 14-16, 2012 Vancouver Converntion Centre. Special subthemes include clean technology, water, sustainable retial and the future of the auto industry. http://2012.globeseries.com/ May 2012 UN Conference on Sustainable Development (UNCSD) May 14 - 16, 2012 Rio
De Janeiro, Brazil November 2012 SETAC North America 33rd Annual Meeting. Long Beach, CA, 11-15 November 2012 November 2013 SETAC North America 34th Annual Meeting. Gaylord Opryland, Nashville, TN, 17-21 November, 2013 November 2014 SETAC North America 35th Annual Meeting. Vancouver, British Columbia,
9-13 November, 2014 |
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Concession 6 Road, Fisherville, Ontario N0A 1G0 Canada
Tel: (905) 779 0003 Email: info@cialgroup.com Toronto office: tel: (416) 410 0432 fax: (416) 362 5231 |